Friday, April 19, 2013


The phallus and fecundus were the Roman
currency he said, and some might say, not he,
the cock and cunt but who could ever be so
crude? He was outrageous yes but quite erudite,
in his snow white curls and plump pink cheeks,
and he then gave a dissertation on the
Hittite worship of Hepatu, the sun
goddess, in Hattusa, Anatolia,
and afterwards tried to hit on the sweet
young Lithuanian lass at the bar.
She was far too nimble for him. Oh yes.

Looking up at the Acropolis, Bergama, Turkey

The old gods all dead now they lie scattered
in the ruins like statues headless and chipped
deaf and dumb the gongs and drums and thrum
of prayer dissipated like incense from

the censer of time. Now as the sun seeps
down the once proud and immutable Roman
eagle fades into night, the hill burnished
with colours enriched, then dun washed to dusk.

Now the confluence of calls to prayer echoes
and flows within valley walls from near and far
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar,
God is Great! Proclaim Allahu Akbar.

Hayya 'ala-s-Salah. Hurry to
the prayer! Will the new Gods die in time like
the old gods? Pray harder pray harder!
Pray louder! Wake them in their careless sleep!

Books read and enjoyed 2024/5

  These are books I've read over the past year or so, each one an experience. More below. Long Island by Colm Toibin is a much lauded 20...