Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Seasons Late Winter 2024


The late Winter flowers are starting to emerge.

Creamy white jonquils stand tall beneath the peach trees.

Purple and white hellebores with downcast faces

look to their earth mother in dismay.., come closer!

Purple buds of daphne set to explode

with their intense sweet citrus perfume

Lemon and lime glow in yellow orbs

a gift of tang to our kitchen creations.

Yesterday two hawks screeched in mid air combat

I hope it's no bad omen. One flew directly

at my head. Perhaps they were courting.

A hungry fox noses around the middle dam

sniffing for a delight of duck, or turtle

or any good luck. Meanwhile close by, two roos

jump across the trail, the larger one also

jumps the paddock fence. The joey slowly

skirts alongside the road searching for

some way through, and finds her access

of deliverance. The mother is now nowhere in sight.

The fox I spot down in the valley,

it trots nonchalantly biding its time.

The joey I can see among the high grass

she stands there gazing at me. We wait.

The world moves in constant flux. Seasons delight

and dismay. Will the Lord of Fire afflict

us again? Gina and her minions

Dutton and Barnaby, the LNP

those careless hawkers of fossil fuel

continue to stoke climate change disasters

in this fragile world. Crimes against humanity?

History should not be kind. Lest we forget.

Now Trump may return. I can't believe folk

will vote him in. But they have a different sort

of people over there, many who believe his spin

his snake oil spruiking tout of faith. The Lord

saved him from the bullet. Praise The Lord.

Believe in Sanctified Destiny!

Raise your fists for deliverance.

I am your saviour, your retribution!

Another rough beast slouches towards Bethlehem.

Putin believes in a Holy War. The seat of Russian

orthodoxy lies in Kiev. Ukraine is Russian territory.

The Patriarch Kirill has told him so. Putin is

a 'gift from god'. We shape our gods.

And clothe them in garments stitched

to suit the narrative. It has always been so.

Netanyahu seeks to obliterate the enemy

in the name of 'god', quoting from the Book

of Samuel. 'Blot out the memory of Amalek

from under Heaven. Do not spare them'

said God to Samuel. 'Put to death men

and women, children and infants, cattle

and sheep, camels and donkeys.' Near forty

thousand Palestinians have been slaughtered

so far in this almighty retribution.

The renowned Jewish rabbi Hillel had this

saying 'Do not do unto others what

you would not have done to yourself.' Israel

has seemingly forgotten what the Nazi did.

A majority support Netanyahu's slaughter.

Holy Land? Your god has abandoned you.

In fact you blew Him to bits last Tuesday

He was part of that Aid convoy in Gaza.

Put your shekels away, you are beyond



Now the wind blasts fiercely chasing the tail

of Winter.

Such are the changing Seasons.

Trump, Putin and Netanyahu will have theirs.

Then sink to dust

derided and damned by History.

Now the Superb Wren flits among bushes

in blue flashes, past the golden wattle.

His dowdy but charming female trusts her

instinct for provision. The tiny

Silver-Eyes float down in twittering green

flock into the pink blossom of cherry

and prunus. Tulips rise in startling

colours, magnolias toast the garden

in purple and white chalices held aloft.

Here's to rebirth and a renewal of hope.



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Seasons Late Winter 2024

  The late Winter flowers are starting to emerge. Creamy white jonquils stand tall beneath the peach trees. Purple and white hellebore...