Balloons, Sunday 18 March 2018
In the pre
dawn half light the headlights
wash the
road, and maybe the kangaroo
mesmerised but knew where she had to go.
I swerved
and almost collided with a cab
and the
young one followed her mother as
she knew
she must and slammed into my wing.
I braked
hard, and she bounced off then bounded
collapsed by the roadside, her tail
rising and
falling, once, twice, three times
the end before she'd barely begun.
I wondered
whether the mother waited
like me, waited for her young one
to rise.
There are those who would say
oh well,
they're a pest, it's only one less...
And so, I
drove slowly down to the lakeside
to await
the gentle rise and drift
of the
colourful balloon spectacle.
Down there
the day was peaceful and still
sunrising walkers and joggers,
and images
mirrored upon the water,
And I
waited for the balloons to come
and play
upon the placid lake.
And I
waited for balloons to come.
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